“Second Hand News”

The obvious question is – what the hell does second hand news have to do with anything. I’d like to say that it’s something exciting, cryptic or esoteric but really it’s because the song playing on my iTunes now is “Second Hand News” by Fleetwood Mac. So as it turns out I am not exciting, cryptic or esoteric. At least not yet…

And now that I have clearly drawn you in with that exciting, cryptic and oddly esoteric enticement (sensing at theme here?) it really does occur to me that maybe this will be predominantly second hand news. I have a really odd habit of reading newspapers, blogs, websites, nutritional information tables & all those little leaflets inside medication boxes and then relating the information to people who are unlucky enough to cross my path. Occasionally I gather all this information, sort it thematically in my brain and gear up for a good old rant. And since soapboxes are so rare these days and blogs so ubiquitous you can guess which I went for. I was quite happy to stick to sporadic ranting at the pub but my friends encouraged (read: insisted) that I share my insanity with the internet people. I’m pretty sure it’s because they would rather skim read than have to actually listen.

So that’s basically it – maybe someone will read this, maybe someone won’t. I’m not emailing the link to my mother so that already puts my readership in the red but such is life.

And with that I shall leave you with a thought from somebody else and a photograph from me.

“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” – Dorothy Parker

~ by unspecifiedrihan on January 20, 2012.

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